Saturday, 13 February 2010


Are you scared of spiders? Do you feel afraid if the light goes out suddenly and the place becomes dark? Are you scared of flying in an airplane? Do you feel afraid when you look out of the window of a tall building? If you answer yes to any of these questions, then you have a phobia. Phobia is intense fear of something. There are different kinds of phobias that people suffer from. When someone sees a spider, he or she starts to have a very fast heartbeat and breathe faster. They feel they are going to die and start to panic. There are hundreds of phobias that may cause great stress to people.
There are also some types of strange phobias that some people suffer from. Some people may feel nervous if they smell a certain thing or see certain types of food like fish. There is a phobia of taking tests.
There is also a social phobia that some people suffer from. They feel embarrassed when they meet new people. That is why they prefer to sit in a corner or away from others.  They also feel they would be wrongly judged by others. That is why they try to avoid them. They feel nervous when they enter class for the first time or when other people start to look at them.
Some people have a phobia of the dentist. They panic every time they have their teeth checked. Other than that, they don't feel scared of any thing. Other than their fear of the dentist, they are normal people. They talk, they laugh. They go to work and use public transport. They play sports and you can never tell that they have a phobia unless a dentist comes near them to examine a bad tooth. That is when they start to panic. That is when it is easy to say that they suffer from a phobia.