A big thankyou to all my students in my Certificate II class. I've really enjoyed teaching you. Your class party this afternoon was really nice and the music was good too. I will always remember the good time we've had in class. You worked as a team and that was the best thing about this class. I am sure you've learned a lot about other cultures and made many friends. Thanks again for all your kind words and presents.
Next year I will be teaching a level III class. I will meet new students and start teaching them how to work in pairs and groups. I hope I still have nice students like you next year.
During the holidays I will be busy writing a book that will have many lessons to teach English. I hope to have it published soon but this will cost a lot of money. I will also play tennis with my children (if they have the time away from their computers and Facebook).
If you need to do extra work at home, you can go to the web sites I gave you and start doing some work on your own. I wish you all the best. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.