Do you want to live in the country of Happy Land? Happy Land is a small island that does not exist but let's think for a few minutes that it does.
Happy Land is a small island between Africa and Asia. It has a small population of only 5000 people. The weather in Happy Land is not too hot and not too cold. It is moderate. The people in Happy Land are all well educated. They all have university degrees. All the people can read and write. There is no letracy proplem there.
People in Happy Land don't work long hours every day. They only work four hours. After finishing their work, they go to the beach to have fun or go to different restaurants on the island.
When a citizen in Happy Land is 18 years old, he or she gets a car as a present from the government. They don't have to pay for it and they get cheap petrol too. People normally don't drive much because the island is small but it is the law to get a car when you are 18 even if you don't intend to use it. Everyone on the island also gets a plane ticket to go anywhere in the world for four weeks when they have their annual leave. All costs are covered by the government.
The people in Happy Land are free to say what they want. There are no prisons on the island and there are no police. Everyone follows the law and they don't cause trouble. If anyone causes trouble, he or she is disowned by the family and people don't talk to them for one month. During that month, they have to wear a red shirt and people don't come near them because they know they are bad. After that, they never make mistakes again.
The Happy Landers don't have a lot of petrol or gold. Every citizen has a machine that prints money at home. They print the money and go out to spend it anywhere on the island.
They have a small number of tourists who come to visit their island. There are certain conditions that a tourist must meet before he or she is allowed into the country. The person wishing to visit the island must be cheerful. If you are not cheerful, don't even think of applying for a visa because your application will be rejected. He or she must promise not to cause problems or disturb anyone on the island. Women who wish to visit the island must be beauriful and men have to be handsome. They also have to know how to ride bikes because the government wants to control pollution.
Only citizens of Happy Land are allowed to drive cars. Foreigners are not. If a foreigner is caught driving a car, he or she will be deported immediately and not be allowed to visit the island at all.
Happy Land has a strange government. They have a King and a Queen. They also have a President and a Prime Minister. Each one of them works only four hours a day. It is the law and they all have to obey it.
They have different poletical parties but they never fight to rule the country. They are not allowed to shout at each other or have any differences.
People in Happy Land are allowed to eat healthy food only. No junk food is allowed on the island. If you are caught eating junk food, you will be in big trouble. Your parents will have to make you do school homework for seven days. You will only be allowed to go to bed at 12 o'clock at night and wake up at 6 to do your school work. What a harsh punishment.
People on the island speak more than seven major languages. They can speak English, French, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Spanish and Vietnamese. There are people who speak more but many don't like to waste their time learning new languages. They prefer to go out and have fun rather than learn new languages.
By law, every citizen on the island must be good at playing football, tennis, basketball, and handball. The government thinks that if people can play all these games, they will become healthy so not much money is spent on building new hospitals. The islanders are not allowed to smoke at all.
People who are not well educated on the island dow minor jobs. They are sometimes asked to feed the fish in the ocean or walk along the streets to arrest people who are not happy.