Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Massacre in Palestine

This week hundreds of people who support Palestinians sailed on some ships heading to Gaza. Gaza is a small part of Palestine where hundreds of thousands of Muslins live in absolute poverty because of Jewish occupation to their country for the past 65 years.

Gaza is like an open-air prison. The people of Gaza can't go to the beach because Israeli soldiers will shoot them.

Israel didn't want the ships to arrive in Gaza. Israeli troops landed from helicopters on the ships and opened fire on the people who were protesting. They killed 16 of them and wounded many more.

People on the ships come from 42 countries. There were demonstrations in many countries all over the world including Australia.

Many governments around the world called the attack brutal and inhuman. For Israel it does not care about what other countries say. Israel is protected by America. America is a super power and it controls most of the world.

Because of America's protection, Israel will kill more and more Palestinians every day and no country on earth will dare to do any thing against it because it has atomic bombs.

Australia will not do any thing about the problem because it has good relations with Israel and America.

Some people in Australia protested in Sydney and Melbourne against the Jewish attack on peaceful demonstrators. They say that the Australian government will not call the attack a terrorist attack because those who were killed were Muslims.

Some Jews don't like what Israel does to Palestinians. They say it is against their religion to kill anyone to take other people's land by force. They say that Jews lived among the Arabs and Muslims for thousands of years and the Arabs never killed them.

Sadly, most of the Jews don't like what those people say. They support what their army does to Palestinians and other Muslims in other countries.