An important part of their course is to do work placement for two weeks. During their work placement they stop coming to classes and work at different restaurants. They learn how to prepare food in a kitchen. They get to learn work skills. These work skills are not taught in a classroom. They are taught in real life.
Soon after starting work, students learn that it is important to work as a member in a team. They learn to come to work on time and leave on time too. They learn how to talk to workmates and supervisors. They also learn skills that help them get work after they finish their course. They also get to work with people who come from different countries. They talk to them in English. They get to improve their speaking and listening skills too.
Some of the students had different jobs overseas before coming to start a new life in Australia. Now they learn to do a different job.
Before they start their work placement, they learn about food safety in class. They learn how to keep food safe for people to eat. They learn about the dangers of bacteria and the things that can cause food poisoning.
They need to speak English very well to be able to get jobs here. Their work experience overseas helps them in their new jobs too.
Some of these students get jobs at the same place where they do their work placement sometimes. If their supervisors see them work hard, they may offer them work a few days a week.
Sometimes supervisors see a student work hard but they don't need to employ extra people to work in the kitchen. They offer to be referees for the student in his or her CV.