Have you seen these two pictures before? You can see three famous men in the first picture - the former American president Goege Bush, the Iraqi Prime Minister and another man who is very angry. The third man in the picture is an Iraqi journalist. His name is Montazer. He was very angry when he saw George Bush in his last
press conference in Iraq. Bush was in Iraq to say goodbye for the last time. The journalists did not know that George Bush was coming. His visit was kept a secret.

Montazer threw a pair of shoes at George Bush and called him a dog. Montazer was angry because George Bush invaded Iraq and killed more than one million people. There is an Iraqi government there but it gets orders from Washington. In English we call such government a "
Puppet Government". This means that they have no saying in what happens in the country. The Iraqi Prime Minister tried to defend George Bush and stop the second shoe.
In the past America sold Saddam Hussein airplanes and weapons to fight Iran. America gave Saddam all the help he needed because he was a good friend. In 2003 America needed to get more petrol and invaded Iraq. America destroyed the country and nobody was safe.
Montazer became very famous when millions of people watched what he did on TV. Some wealthy families offered him to choose one of their daughters to marry. He got awards from different countries and people called him a brave man.

After America invaded Iraq, many Iraqis started killing one another. People from the same religions and cities killed one another. Some Iraqis helped America destroy the country and got tens of thousands of dollars for their services. Most of those Iraqis live outside Iraq now. They live in America and Europe. Some of them live in Australia too. Many Iraqis call them
When Montazer threw the shoes at George Bush, he was arrested. The Iraqi police beat him up. They broke his arm and tooth. They didn't allow him to sleep and electrocuted him. His family were not allowed to visit him for more than one month.
Montazer spent one year in prison. Now he is a free man. He left Iraq the same day and went to Syria. He went to hospital to be seen by doctors. He said that the CIA would kill him because of what he did to George Bush.
The factory that made the shoes employed tens of new workers after hundreds of thousands of people worldwide wanted to buy the same shoes. In one city in north Iraq some people made a statue of a big shoe in the heart of the city. Now millions of Iraqis live outside Iraq. They don't feel safe in their country any more.