It is sometimes not easy to find work in Australia. You need to have some skills to make it easy to gain employment. You can enrol in a class to do a course. This course can be a short one or it can take some time. This will help you get a job because you will have an Australian qualification. Many people come to Australia and start doing work in a different career other than the ones that they used to have in their own countries. Some overseas doctors, engineers and chemists may start to work in factories, aged care facilities or other places. This is very common in Australia. You can find work in Australia using the following links to a range of Australian employment agencies. There are about 300 employment agencies in Melbourne to choose from. You can register your name with only one agency. They match your skills and personality to the type of work that is available. They store your data on their computer system and call you if there is a job opening available at any time.
The Australian Job Search is an official Australian online employment service web site. You need to have a Job Seeker ID to be able to use the services of the Australian Job Search. It is easy for you to get a Job Seeker ID from Centrelink. After you get your Job Seeker ID number, you need to register with an employment agency. They will help you find a job matching your skills and needs. They will help you type a resume and give you a lot of help to get your first job. They can also give you tips on how to pass a job interview.
The only time when you are out of work in Australia is when you choose to be lazy or if you don’t want to work.