When you work in a commercial kitchen, you are always a member of a team. Working in a team is very important in Australia. Everyone does a certain task and other people depend on this person to keep the workflow going. Working in a team requires some people skills. This means a friendly attitude towards others. This can be done by showing that you are a good listener, keeping eye contact and smiling when talking to others.
Safety is everyone's responsibility. If you see water on the floor, this can be dangerous to you and to others. Someone can slip and have a fall. This person can break an arm or a leg. There is a yellow warning sign that you can use to tell others who work in the kitchen that the floor is wet. This will give them a warning not to come near this spot. Make sure the floor is dry before you remove this sign.
Also be careful when using sharp objects in the kitchen. Using a knife in a wrong way can cause injury to you.
Make sure the kitchen is always free from clutter and that items are stored in the right place. Don't put any food cans on the floor. Sometimes the floor gets flooded with water and a lot of food becomes unsafe to eat.
If there is a flood in the kitchen, report it to your supervisor. He or she will call a plumber to come and fix the problem.
If you lift a heavy box in the kitchen and you feel pain in your back, fill in an incident report immediately. We learned in class how to fill in an incident report. If you want to have more information, go to Google and type the words "sample incident report". See how many examples you can get.
Bacteria and germs are dangerous to people if they eat bad food. Bacteria can grow and multiply in worm temperatures. They need air, moisture and the right temperature.
Using proper food hygiene is a must when you work in a kitchen in Australia. Remember to wash your hands after you use the toilet, sneeze, smoke, have a break or touch raw food.
Certain foods can go bad quicker than others like meat, fish and egg. Other foods can be stored for a long time without going bad. You have to keep cooked food in the correct temperatures. Always avoid cross contamination. Don't mix raw food with cooked food. You can put other people's lives in danger. It is important to know how to avoid making food go bad.
Correct these sentences:
When you work in a kitchen, you work alone most of the time.
Cross contamination is not a serious problem.
Fish and meat don't go bad quicker than other food types.
It is good to keep food in the food dangerous zone. (the wrong temperature)
When you see water spilt on the floor, leave it.
Using the yellow sign does not give a warning to others who work with you that there is a danger.
Having people skills is not very important when you get a job in Australia.
Bacteria can grow and multiply in sub zero temperatures.
Bacteria need four things to grow and multiply.
It is not important to wash your hands after using the toilet or sneezing.
If you see water spilt on the floor in the kitchen at your work placement, report it to your teacher at AMES.
Safety is only the manager's responsibility.
Cheese can go bad quicker than egg.
It is always safe to use a knife in a wrong way.
Working as a member in a team stops the workflow in the kitchen.
When others talk to you at work, it isn't necessary to keep eye contact with them.